Today’s the Day: A Game We Can Win

Just as the rain this week provided relief for a dry, dying California, so too may today’s game offer a much-needed reprieve for UC Davis Football.

Our opponent is Northern Colorado, a 2-win football team who has shared several opponents with us so far, and like us, lost every time. To top that, UNC has had a much easier schedule than the Ags and resoundingly lost in our last meeting.

To recap the season so far: we have played three ranked FCS teams, the defending PAC-12 champion, and another decent FBS team. Only one game, Portland State, was a close matchup, but even then PSU has traditionally done very well against the Ags and had a homefield advantage.

So finally, three quarters of the way through the season, we have a DI opponent that isn’t insanely favored.

If we do win, though, it will have as much do with us as the schedule. The last two games saw Ben Scott emerge as a dominant quarterback, saw transfer sensation Gabe Manzanares assume last-year-level form, and saw the emergence of an explosive receiving core.

It may not be easy, but this is a game we may win, can win, and — probably — should win.

The game starts at four at Aggie Stadium. Either way, we’ll know by seven thirty.

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